讲座题目:Evolution of cooperation -- how robust are current models?
主讲人:武斌 博士(德国马普所)
主持人:贺祖国 教授
时 间:2014年9月18日(周四)上午10:00-11:00
地 点:主楼1214
Cooperation is widespread in complex systems, ranging from microbial communities to human societies. Cooperation, however, contradicts the evolutionary theory. Evolutionary game theory is the appropriate mathematical model to study cooperation. Based on weak selection, fruitful analytical insights are given: for example cooperators are favoured if few neighbours are present. Recent human behaviour experiment, however, suggests that the selection is non-weak. This leads to a gap between current theory and experiments. We are filling this gap by addressing the robustness of the popular models. Our study not only fosters the understanding of the current models, but also provides analytical insights to experimental design.
Bin Wu,Ph.D in Dynamics & Control, Thesis on “Evolutionary Game Theory in Finite,Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research Group for Evolutionary Theory, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, on “ Stochastic Effects on Evolutionary Dynamics in Finite Populations and its Potential Applications in Microbial Communities”.Research Interests: Evolutionary Game Theory,Complex Systems,Collective Behavior,Biological Modelling,Language Evolution,Epidemic Spreading Dynamics,Cancer Dynamics,Stochastic Mechanics.