讲座题目:Solvinghighly-oscillatory NLS with SAM: numerical efficiency and geometric properties
时 间:2014年6月5日(周四)下午3:30-4:30
地 点:主楼1214
In this paper, we present the StroboscopicAveraging Method (SAM), which aims at numerically solving highly-oscillatorydifferential equations. More specifically, we first apply SAM to theSchrodinger equation on the 1-dimensional torus and on the real line with harmonicpotential, with the aim of assessing its efficiency: as compared to thewell-established standard splitting schemes, the stiffer the problem is, thelarger the speed-up grows (up to a factor 100 in our tests). The geometricproperties of SAM are also explored: on very long time intervals, symmetricimplementations of the method show a very good preservation of the massinvariant and of the energy. In a second series of experiments on 2-dimensionalequations, we demonstrate the ability of SAM to capture qualitatively thelong-time evolution of the solution (without spurring high oscillations).
Yong ZHANG,Wolfgang Pauli Institute。
Research Interests:
• Fast algorithms and their applications
• Computational electromagnetic
• Numerical methods and analysis of differential equations
• Highly oscillatory system
• Bose-Einstein Condensate