以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文逾90篇(其中top期刊(IF=10以上)20余篇,被引用5000余次,主要代表作见列表),H因子31,已申请及授权专利8项,并荣获皇家化学学会Journalof Materials Chemistry杂志评选的2018年度杰出科学家称号及2018年度 ScialogFellow。
Understanding the synergism of bimetallic transition metal (TM)-based catalystsfor oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is very difficult because it is complicatedto identify the surface active sites in abi-metal system. Herein, we rationally designed Cu oxide (CuOx)nanoarray film (NF) as an example to investigatethe synergism and doping effects of iron group metals on OER. It is because CuOxis electrocatalytically inert and oxidatively stable, which is much better thancarbon-based platforms. Especially, cobalt (Co) shows a much stronger synergismas compared to nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe). By introducing Co into the inert CuOxNFs, the Co active sites can becorrelated to the OER activity by rationally regulating the morphology of CuOxNFs. In addition, the phasetransformation from Cu2O to CuO occursduring the OER testing, further boosting the OER activity of Co-doped CuOxNF due to the hybridization change of Co activesite. As a result, the Co-doped CuOx NF with 0.30 at.% Co (denotedas Co0.30CuOx) shows a remarkable OER activity (anoverpotential of 0.29 V at 10 mA cm-2) in basic solution, superiorto the state-of-the-art OER catalysts. Both experimental and computationalstudies indicate that the introduction of Co-dopant in CuOx changesthe rate-limiting step from M-OHads→ M-Oads to M-Oads→ M-OOHads and decreases the theoretical onset potential by0.31 V. The optimal concentration of Co-dopant in CuOx nanocrystalsrenders the favorable surface properties for the electron transfer, theadsorption, and desorption ofOER-relevant intermediates. Moreover, the small size of CuOxnanocrystals contributes to the large electrochemically active surface area,which sufficiently exposes the Co active sites to the electrolyte.