讲座题目:Global existence, blowup phenomena, and asymptotic behavior for quasilinear Schrodinger equations
主讲人:宋先发 副教授 (天津大学)
主持人:陈秀卿 教授
In this paper, we deal with the Cauchy problem of the quasilinear Schrodinger equation iu_t = ∆u + 2uh′ (|u| 2 )∆h(|u| 2 ) + F(|u| 2 )u for x ∈ R^N , t > 0 u(x, 0) = u0(x), x ∈ R^N . Here h(s) and F(s) are some real-valued functions, with various choices for models from mathematical physics. We examine the interplay between the quasilinear effect of h and nonlinear effect of F for the global existence and blowup phenomena. We provide sufficient conditions on the blowup in finite time and global existence of the solution. In some cases, we can deduce the watershed from these conditions. In the focusing case, we construct the sharp threshold for the blowup in finite time and global existence of the solution and lower bound for blowup rate of the blowup solution. Moreover, we establish the pseudo-conformal conservation law and some asymptotic behavior results on the global solution